public method IO2GLastOrderUpdateResponseReader.getUpdateType
Gets the last operation that has been performed with an order.
Declaration | ||||
The possible return values are as follows:
An order is created and inserted in the Orders table. |
An order is updated. For example, a user changes any order property (amount, rate, etc) or an order status changes. For the possible statuses of different order types, refer to the Orders State Machines section. |
An order is deleted from the Orders table. For example, an order is executed or cancelled by a user or the trading server. |
Getting the last order operation [hide]
std::string updateTypeToString(O2GTableUpdateType updateType) { std::string sRes = ""; switch (updateType) { case Delete: sRes = "Delete"; break; case Insert: sRes = "Insert"; break; case Update: sRes = "Update"; break; default: sRes = "UpdateUnknown"; } return sRes; } // Implementation of IO2GResponseListener interface public method onRequestCompleted void onRequestCompleted(const char * requestID, IO2GResponse *response) { O2G2Ptr<IO2GResponseReaderFactory> readerFactory = mSession->getResponseReaderFactory(); if (readerFactory != NULL) { if (response->getType() == GetLastOrderUpdate) { O2G2Ptr<IO2GLastOrderUpdateResponseReader> lastOrderUpdateResponseReader = readerFactory->createLastOrderUpdateResponseReader(response); O2G2Ptr<IO2GOrderRow> orderRow = lastOrderUpdateResponseReader->getOrder(); std::cout << "UpdateType: " << updateTypeToString(lastOrderUpdateResponseReader->getUpdateType()) << " Status: " << orderRow->getStatus() << std::endl; } } }
Declared in IO2GLastOrderUpdateResponseReader