How to include ForexConnect API on iOS


The article discusses how to use ForexConnect API in C++ on iOS.


To use ForexConnect API in your C++ application, you should:

  1. Choose Project > Add to Project and then select the framework directory.
    Alternatively, you can control-click your project group and choose Add Files > Existing Frameworks from the context menu.
    When you add the framework to your project, Xcode asks you to associate it with one or more targets in your project. Once associated, Xcode automatically links the framework against the resulting executable.

  2. Select and add the libz.dylib and libiconv.dylib frameworks to your project.

  3. Include framework header files in your code using the directive #import "ForexConnect/ForexConnect.h".

  4. Declare two extern void functions O2AtLoad() and O2AtUnLoad() in your project and call them once before and after using the ForexConnect API in your application.
