Charts in Trading Dialog Boxes


The article describes how you can open a chart in a dialog box for creating and changing orders and what you can see on it.


To view a five minute chart for a selected symbol, in a dialog box (for example, the Create Market Order dialog box), click the Chart button.
The chart appears next to the dialog box.

By default, it is a candlestick chart for the trade operation of your order and a line chart for the opposite trade operation.

You can customize the chart to your liking:

Charts in Create Orders Dialog Boxes

When you create an order, a line on the level of the order price appears on the chart. The order price is also provided on a label on the price axis at the right border of the chart. All your changes in the dialog box are immediately reflected on the chart, and vice versa.

Charts in Change Orders Dialog Boxes

When you change an order price, on the chart you can see the original order price (a grey line), the new order price, and a vertical line connecting the two prices.

Associated orders and positions are shown on the chart together:

If an order or position price is not visible on the chart, you can see markers at the upper or lower border of the chart. To move the chart to make the order or position lines visible, click the marker.
