Open Positions Window


In this window you can see information about your open positions.


The Open Positions window provides information about your open positions.

Profit/Loss Recalculation Timeout

By the default, the values of P/L, Gross P/L, Net P/L are recalculated each time when the price of a symbol in which you have opened positions is changed. But a great number of opened positions (more than a thousand) with taking into the consideration the overall performance of your computer may cause the computer to slow down. In this case, you can use a profit/loss recalculation timeout. The 5, 10, and 15 seconds timeouts can be set.

To set the profit/loss recalculation timeout

  1. On the System menu, click Options.
  2. On the Options dialog box, under Trading settings click General Trading.
  3. Click Recalculate P/L by timeout, and then select the timeout of your choice.

Copy Data from Table

To copy all data from the table

To copy selected rows from the table
