Subscribe to/Unsubscribe from Feed


The article describes how you can subscribe to or unsubscribe from an RSS feed.


You can be subscribed to some news feeds by default and they are included in the default group All Subscriptions.

To subscribe to a feed

  1. In the News or News Stories window, click Manage.
  2. The Manage Subscriptions dialog box appears.

  3. Click Subscribe.
  4. The Subscribe to Feed dialog box appears.

  5. In Feed URL, type the URL of the RSS feed to which you want to subscribe.
  6. Click Subscribe.

The feed appears in the list of Available Feeds under its Web site URL. In Feed Groups, the feed is included in the default group All Subscriptions.

To unsubscribe from a feed:

  1. In the same dialog box, click the feed from which you want to unsubscribe.
  2. Click Unsubscribe.
  3. The message Do you really want to unsubscribe from the feed? appears.

  4. Click Unsubscribe.

The feed disappears from the lists of Available Feeds and from Feed Groups. If there are no more feeds from the same Web site, the appropriate Web site URL disappears as well.
Note: The news items of the unsubscribed feed that have already been opened, disappear as well.
