Add Fibonacci Expansion

To add a Fibonacci expansion:

  1. Select the Fibonacci expansion tool in one of the following ways:
  2. Click a point on the chart from which the first wave line will start.
  3. Click a point on the chart at which the first wave line will end. This line will be taken as a unit interval for building Fibonacci expansion levels.
  4. Click a point on the chart at which the second wave line will end.
    The points will be automatically adjusted according to the selected drawing mode if necessary.
    The Add Fibonacci Expansion dialog box appears.

  5. Change the Fibonacci expansion levels on the Levels tab if necessary:
  6. Change the Fibonacci expansion parameters on the Parameters tab if necessary:

  7. Change the wave lines properties on the Wave Lines tab if necessary:

  8. To apply the changes made to the dialog box properties (except the name) to all future Fibonacci expansions by default, click Set as Default.
  9. To reset the current property settings of the dialog box to the factory settings for the Fibonacci expansion, click Reset.
  10. Click OK.

You can change the default values of the Fibonacci Expansion tool. See Fibonacci Expansion Options.

